Don't try to run me over
Hjälpte Lisan med ett skolprojekt idag. Del blev till att styla om Emma rejält. Så kul man kan ha med lite smink och en kamera. HEY HOE LETS GO!
Modell: Emma Ericsson
Stylist: Lisa Heljedal
Foto: Frida Hall
Stylist: Lisa Heljedal
Foto: Frida Hall
Smoking hot or not
I don't care
As long as I stand up
and I dare
Don't try to run me over
Cause I'll come after you
I'm warning you now
Don't you dare to
I don't care
As long as I stand up
and I dare
Don't try to run me over
Cause I'll come after you
I'm warning you now
Don't you dare to